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[closed] compass shows east instead of west

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:02 am
by Nikos
I have the free version of alpinequest and the compass does not work correctly. I calibrated the compass shift to show north and the north is correct but when you turn right it should show east but it shows west, and vise versa. Someone please let me know why it does this because i would like to purchase this app if it did not do this..

Re: compass shows east instead of west

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:51 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and welcome.
You need to calibrate your sensor:
- First remove the orientation shift in AlpineQuest (that's usually not needed);
- Turn on the compass;
- Then draw big 8 in the air with your phone for few seconds. You must try to turn it completely on all axis.
Then it should be working better.
Try to avoid to put your phone close to magnetic fields (like speakers), or you will need to calibrate it again.
Best regards