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[closed] Runtime Error message on memory handling

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:17 pm
by nagyg
If I use AlpineQuest 1.2.7 full version with offline maps always get in little window this error message:

Oups! An error occoured. Cell:_loadTileSynchroneously,In:PsyCanvasTileLoaderThread,Throws:Java.Lang.OutOfMemoryError,Message:bitmap size exceeds VM budget

With 1.2.4 I used same maps with no problem. With version 1.2.6 I had the same trouble.

Please fix this or let me downgrade to 1.2.4

My device: HTC Hero, Android V2.1

Re: Runtime Error message on memory handling

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:54 pm
by Psyberia-Support
I really don't understand why you still want to use AlpineQuest since you rate it as a "Poor" application. I'm sure there is much better mapping apps on the market, you should try them.
Concerning your problem, your device doesn't have enough memory to display all the map. Recent version always display the default map in background, it could come from that, so I'll add a option to remove this background map.
Best regards

Re: Runtime Error message on memory handling

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:57 pm
by Guest
AlpineQuest wrote:Hi,
I really don't understand why you still want to use AlpineQuest since you rate it as a "Poor" application. I'm sure there is much better mapping apps on the market, you should try them.
Concerning your problem, your device doesn't have enough memory to display all the map. Recent version always display the default map in background, it could come from that, so I'll add a option to remove this background map.
Best regards
Thanks for answer. I mean rate "Poor" only for current release by known reason. Generally Alpine Quest is very good application if not speaking about bugs. I don't want change it, but with this this bug I cannot use it.
Concerning my problem if I check memory status with Android Assistant it indicates many free memory. Of course I'm not familiar with memory handling details, but this info might be useful for you.

Best Regards

Re: Runtime Error message on memory handling

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:18 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Actually this have nothing to do with the global available memory of the phone, but with the per application memory limit. This maximum amount of memory per application depends on many factors such as the screen size and the Android version, that's why you get this error but other don't (at least you are the only one to report it so far).

PS: in the Android market there is no per version rate. And (but that's only my personal opinion) the comment field should not be used for questions or bugs report because potential users are not interested about that, what they want is interesting things like "I like the fact that", "I don't like this", "Unfortunately it is not possible to do that", etc... These messages are useful for all users, on the contrary of "on my hero, android 2.1, when I do that I have a bug" which are completely useless for most users and take the space of useful messages. This kinds of messages should be reported to the developer, that's why there is a forum here actually.

Re: Runtime Error message on memory handling

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:26 pm
by Guest
Thanks for valuable info, but I'm not sure if the problem is like You described. I tried with small map file(1,5 MB), but problem was the same. I've reported more than 30 MB free memory in device.