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[fixed] OSM Hike Cycle maps not accessible?
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:43 pm
by kaletka
I'm getting ready to go on holiday and wanted to download some hiking maps. OSM Hike Cycle maps all give a 403 Bad Code in AlpineQuest and a red "X" in Map Creator. What's up? I believe these worked a few weeks ago.
Re: OSM Hike Cycle maps not accessible?
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:19 am
by Psyberia-Support
Thanks for pointing me that.
OSM cycle map has change its server.
Here is want you can do:
- Concerning MOBAC:
Try to perform an online map source update: open MOBAC, click on the settings button, go in the source tab and select 'Perform map sources update'. If it doesn't fix the problem, retry in few days. This map source is still supported in MOBAC so it should be fixed soon.
- Concerning AlpineQuest:
I won't unfortunately be able to release a new fixed version before few days, but until then here is what you can do:
* Download the attached file "custom_maps.aqx";
* Copy it on your SD card in the AlpineQuest folder (where the file 'alpinequest.log' already is);
* Start AlpineQuest and open the Maps Explorer on the root place (use the return/up button of the maps explorer);
* After the categories "Offline maps" and "Online maps" you should see a new category called "Custom maps". Select it;
* Here you should see an OSM cycle map source working. Use it like a classical online map.
Note that cache is shared between this source and the classical OSM cycle source.
Sorry for the disagreement,
Best regards
Re: OSM Hike Cycle maps not accessible?
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:01 am
by Psyberia-Support
AlpineQuest 1.2.4 has been released and fixes the problem.
I have removed the attached file which is no more compatible with this new version.
Best regards