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[closed] Please help, lost data on android "force close" app

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:56 pm
by realizator
Greetings everyone!
Recently I was doing a solo trip. So I started most divined Mr. AlpineQuest to be my companion. Im using it some while with no complaints, but on this trip after 3,5h of constant tracking gps data via android app I got an most ocasionally private SMS. So I dragged the top of screen to see notific., tapped clear to dismiss the SMS and went back to screen of Alpine. And tapped again to drag the map and nothing happened. Waited a few secs and "force close or wait a program" message appeared. First pressed "wait a.." was nothing when second question flashed: "force close or wait a program". So "force close". Yet now, starting again Mr. AQuest, Im in a trouble with loading the file for that trip. I receive a message:

pysberia.api.parser.exeptions.pysparseexeption:xmlsyntaxerror. :52

and after the message it loads only first 2h of a trip.
Not the whole 3,5.
You can view these 2h in a Mr.A with all data.
And my .gpx file is corrupted to see it in different softwares:
When loading in google Earth it misses "FILESYSTEM gpx device"!! When opening a file via GPS visalizer to google earth it:
No valid GPS data detected!

If you think you really did upload a valid GPS file, please let me know and I'll look into it.

Often, this error comes up because you didn't include a header row at the beginning of your tab-delimited or CSV plain text data. If there's no header row, the computer has no way of knowing which numbers are which! For example, GPS Visualizer has no idea what this means:
45.40252,-121.77589,1399,point 1
45.39254,-121.69946,2394,point 2

Whereas the following makes perfect sense, because there's a header row that defines the fields:
45.40252,-121.77589,1399,point 1
45.39254,-121.69946,2394,point 2

Note that the order of the fields is irrelevant, as long as the header matches what's underneath it.

I would like to have that whole trip.
Please help me, to resurrect that trip.
Thank You.

Re: Please help, lost data on android "force close" app

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:49 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Your gpx track can be "repaired" to avoid the loading error and use it is other apps like google earth.
However, and unfortunately, I don't think you will be able to retrieve the whole track, since it seems that this data is not in the file (otherwise you should have seen it when loaded into AlpineQuest).

The easiest way to repair your file is to send it to me by e-mail or attach it in a post. If you don't want to, I can explain you how to do it. The file is is the GPX format (xml-like) and should be missing a closing tag.

You should update the application to version 1.2.2 which has a completely new tracker developed to avoid such situations.

Sorry for the disagreement,
Best regards