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[closed] Version 1.2.0 UI

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[closed] Version 1.2.0 UI

Post by MarC »

Could you please put an option in to revert back to the old 1.1 user interface. I really liked the old UI with the widget thing for various functions like GPS device, tracking / route creation , compass, etc - I found this style of UI quite easy and intuitive to use without having to look up on line or wherever to see which each button / widget did.

The new UI, for myself as this is more of a personal, is more confusing to use. I struggled to find some of the functions on the new menu system:

* On the old UI, to change the GPS device from network to default / GPS device you just clicked on the GPS widget at the top right. On the new menu based one I had no idea what any of the buttons did and it took me 5 minutes to find the same switch. The old UI when I started using AlpineQuest took me less than a minute to find the same switch.

* On the old UI, to start tracking, I clicked on the top right widget (the tracking one), and clicked the generate route button (the one with the solid line). Easy. The new UI again took me 5 minutes to work out the same function was on the 'flag' button in one of the sub menus. The old UI when I started using AlpineQuest took me a minute to find the same function.

I'm not saying remove the new UI altogether, as I'm sure some people prefer new new UI to the old UI. Being a programmer myself I can fully understand that different people have different opinions, especially when it comes to UI design. So could you please add an option in the settings section to switch between the new and old UI - even defaulting to the new UI on first installation would be acceptable to even me :)
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Re: Version 1.2.0 UI

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi and thank you for psting your feedback here.

The new UI is quite different from the old one and I understand that it can really be confusing at the beginning for an user used to previous versions.
However you can be sure that this new UI has been made to be more efficient than the previous one, and to allow each user to get the level of information he want on the map.
During testings, I used it for only few weeks but I'm now really used to it and very effective with it.

In version 1.2.0 the UI have been entirely rewritten in a better way, and all old UI relative parts have been removed. Putting back the old widget framework would not be a good thing for the application as it would add a lot of old code with bugs and using more memory.

I think that a better solution for the long term evolution of the application would be to discuss about the things that you don't like with this new UI so that it can be improved with each new versions. Version 1.2.0 is the first one with this new UI and it's clear that there is a lot of things that can be done to make it better.

Concerning the geolocation feature for exemple, you may have one more click to change it from 'gps' to 'network', that's right, but do you really change this setting often ?
On the other hand, with the new UI you can toggle the map lock on GPS location and the map rotation much more easily (you don't have to open another panel), and I think that this action is performed more often (I personnaly toggle the gps map lock very often).

Also, on the contrary of the old UI, when features are now disabled (no focus, no geolocation, etc) there is nothing displayed on the map as were old closed disturbing widgets. But by long-clicking on the geolocation or orientation menu buttons, you can still activate these features in one action.

For the tracking feature, you're right that it's maybe not in the best place. It could maybe be moved in the orientation panel because it closely linked to the GPS.
But for the creation of other landmarks, I do think it's clear:
1- Open the Landmarks relative submenu;
2- Choose create submenu button;
3- Choose what you want to create.

Finaly, if you think that you will never be used to this new UI and really prefer the old one, you can still reinstall version 1.1.3 (let me know to get a free activation code).

I hope you understand my point of view and that we will find a solution that suits everyone.
Best regards
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Re: Version 1.2.0 UI

Post by Anton »

I am also finding the new UI very difficult to use.

AlpineQuest used to be in my top 5 best apps, and I found the previous UI easy to use. I purchased the app last year and regarded it as excellent value. It worked beautifully smoothly and performed exactly as I wanted it to do. I have recommended it to everyone I know who had an Android device and who enjoyed hiking or countryside walks.

I was, until today, one of your biggest fans -- but AQ is now almost unusable, from my point of view.

The icons are difficult to read outdoors, where AQ is used most often. Grey on grey may look very chic, but in sunlight it just doesn't work. Consequently I don't know what effects or functions I'm choosing, and get into a dreadful muddle. I've nearly chucked my HTC into the canal three times today, in despair.

I could not seem to get the map (Multimap OS, downloaded with MAC as before) to stay north-up. It would be fine while I stood still but, as soon as I moved, the map would flip around to an odd angle -- and always the same odd angle, irrespective of the direction I was moving in! I tried fixing this by fiddling with the orientation settings, but couldn't get it to stay north-up. Not being able to see clearly and easily what the icons were that I was pressing (and the hint that appears is in the tiniest writing, and not always very helpful).

I would like to roll back to the earlier version, please -- that was a great app. I cannot use this one.
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Re: Version 1.2.0 UI

Post by bastien »

Same thing ... I found the old UI better.

Picture, icons are beautiful but not necessary to make a good application.

However, this app is very great, I like it !

Re: Version 1.2.0 UI

Post by Irish »

I agree with the above criticisms. Alpine Quest was my number one app. I purchased two for my devices. I liked the old presentation. This new version is awful. It may be more streamlined for you, but its appearance is weak, it is difficult to navigate through, and a sub-standard product. I have recommended your app to others. This one I will not. How can I uninstall this and return to the previous version? Please don't tell me I can't!
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Re: Version 1.2.0 UI

Post by Iryshe »

Thank you for the opportunity to still use the previous version. It remains my favorite android app. I have sucessfully re-installed on my two devices. Please forward unlock keys to following email addresses: *** and *** I will gladly repay you the activation cost since I have purchased them on Android Market before. Again thank you. I love this app!
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Re: Version 1.2.0 UI

Post by sergio_girard »

the new UI for me is good like th old UI in version 1.1.

I use this app in mountain every we and it works very well.

I would like to ask only a little improvement on the new UI:
to choose a dimension character for display information: small, medium, big


Re: Version 1.2.0 UI

Post by Anton »

OK, I'll relent -- and I apologise for flying off the handle in previous posts.

Having figured out what the buttons do, AQ now works for me as it did before, and it's very, very useful -- just as it was before.

I will, however, say that it's still difficult to see what the buttons do in daylight outdoors. Can we have an option for a set of higher-contrast muttons, please, for those of us who battle to see grey-on-grey?

Pity about having to withdraw so many maps from MAC -- but I see there are still several apps that use OS maps, apparently legitimately. Does that make it any easier for MAC to offer OS maps again?
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Re: Version 1.2.0 UI

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi all,
Version 1.2.1 has been released and contains few improvements regarding users feedbacks.

* The new UI contains a lot of confusing buttons not documented.
A "Getting Started" help has been included, which describes all buttons. Few icons have been modified to be more clear. Moreover, by pressing and holding a sub-menu button, you can get it's description (release out of the button to abort the action).

* Texts on the map are too small.
It is now possible to change their sizes.

* Default color of waypoints and tracks in difficult to figure on some map sources.
It is now possible to change colors of displayed landmarks at each levels (GPX file level, track/route level, waypoint level). You can change this color in the GPX details window (there is a new "Edit" button on top-right).

* It's hard to find geolocation settings.
The geolocation and orientation windows layouts have been reverted as they were in version 1.1.3 (all geolocation information and settings in one panel, all orientation information and settings in another).

What has been recently discussed but is still missing in this new version:
* Alternate colors and icons set for outdoor use, like suggested by Anton;
* Fix of the background recording track problem when using other memory consuming applications (like music playback).

Concerning recent changes in MOBAC and the removing of nearly all map sources, I'm use to say that all problems have a solution. I'll be two weeks in the wild in Canada but as I return I will work on that.

Thanks a lot to everyone.
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