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[closed] Time recorded in GPX is from a wrong time zone

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:02 pm
by r.koenis
I use v1.1.3 on Android 2.2. HTC.
I have recorded a track in the Netherlands and the gpx file contains times that are from a different time zone, two hours off.
The gpx file is named "2011-03-30_19-29-22.gpx" which is the exact time I've started tracking (and the time on my HTC), while the first time entry is "<time>2011-03-30T17:29:47Z</time>".

Can this be fixed or is there a setting that let's AlpineQuest use the local time?


Re: Time recorded in GPX is from a wrong time zone

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:55 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and thanks for posting here.

AlpineQuest does use local times, but GPX file format doesn't.
In GPX files, times are always UTC (timezone 'Z'):
Element: time
Creation/modification timestamp for element. Date and time in are in Univeral Coordinated Time (UTC), not local time! Conforms to ISO 8601 specification for date/time representation. Fractional seconds are allowed for millisecond timing in tracklogs.
(from GPX specification)

That's why you see a different time in the GPX file.

In AlpineQuest, if you browse your track's waypoints and display the details of one of them, you will see the time in your local timezone too.

Let me know if you are OK with that.
Best regards

Re: Time recorded in GPX is from a wrong time zone

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:31 pm
by r.koenis
Let me know if you are OK with that.
It's OK &
Thanks for the quick answer!

Re: Time recorded in GPX is from a wrong time zone

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:22 pm
by Psyberia-Support
You're welcome ;)