I created the following .aqx file to view in AlpineQuest (High res imagery of Western Australia)
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<aqx version="11">
<source id="MAP_UID">
<name>Landgate Imagery</name>
<zoom-levels z="1-22">
But the WMS server appears to use swapped BBOX coordinates. The good link is actually:
(removed some decimals for readability). So I'm assuming that the server accept the BBOX coordinates as [BottomLeftY,BottomLeftX,TopRightY,TopRightX] whereas AQ generates them as [BottomLeftX,BottomLeftY,TopRightX,TopRightY].
Or something like that.
Now, obviously I can't change how the server reads the coordinates so I'm wondering if it's possible in an AQX file to swap the $bbox around? Or is this something I can control with <bbox-crs-code>???</bbox-crs-code>? I tried a few different EPSG codes without much luck. I think the coordinate system is correct, it's just that the points are swapped around.