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Samsung S8 and GPS dropping out

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Samsung S8 and GPS dropping out

Post by Andrew »

Hello all,

Have been happily using Alpine Quest Lite for some years, but now have difficulty with a Samsung S8.

The GPS signal sometimes kick in, then drops out with number of sateelites found going up and down.

I have tried reinstalling, changing from GNSS to Automatic Selection etc but no success.

Am I missing something obvious here ?

Thanks all

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Re: Samsung S8 and GPS dropping out

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi Andrew,
Many factors impact the number of GNSS satellites, including the device access to the sky, weather and solar activity. So you should not be worry about this number, as long as the real-time location accuracy remains correct (around 10m).
If you believe there is something anormal with your GPS chip, you can use an app like "GPS status" to get more details and reset your GPS data.
Note that all the GNSS computations (real-time location, visible satellites, etc) are done by the Android system, not the app, so reinstalling it won't change anything.
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