[resolved] Track files not writing to SD card / AlpineQuest folders missing
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:38 am
Configuration: Samsung Tab A7, Android V11, AlpineQuest V2.2.8c
Problem: folders associated with AplineQuest missing on SD Card and Internal memory after Android version update.
I tried the following to try to fix:
1) Confirmed that AlpineQuest had full permissions to write to memory
2) Exported track file to SD card as .kml result: claimed “Item correctly saved” on path /storage/2CB2-D47E/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/landmarks/Exported landmarks/track_20210617.kml.....however none of the alpinequest-related folders exist within the /Android/data folder.
3) Tried exporting the same track file to the internal storage, with the same result (path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/landmarks/Exported landmarks/track_20210617.kml....as before a cannot find the saved file.
4) Manually creating AlpineQuest folders within the SD card and internal storage – received “Operation failed error”
5) Cleared system cache and data – did not fix
6) Finally I backed up all apps and data to the cloud, reset the Tab A7 to factory settings, and then reloaded all apps and data. Result: same issue.
7) Apparently the Android update wiped all of the AlpineQuest folders from the SD card and internal memory and I cannot restore.
8) I can add a new folder inside the “/Android” folder, alongside the data folder, but not within the data folder, which I believe I could prior to the Android update.
Any suggestions to fix?
Thank you!
Problem: folders associated with AplineQuest missing on SD Card and Internal memory after Android version update.
I tried the following to try to fix:
1) Confirmed that AlpineQuest had full permissions to write to memory
2) Exported track file to SD card as .kml result: claimed “Item correctly saved” on path /storage/2CB2-D47E/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/landmarks/Exported landmarks/track_20210617.kml.....however none of the alpinequest-related folders exist within the /Android/data folder.
3) Tried exporting the same track file to the internal storage, with the same result (path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/landmarks/Exported landmarks/track_20210617.kml....as before a cannot find the saved file.
4) Manually creating AlpineQuest folders within the SD card and internal storage – received “Operation failed error”
5) Cleared system cache and data – did not fix
6) Finally I backed up all apps and data to the cloud, reset the Tab A7 to factory settings, and then reloaded all apps and data. Result: same issue.
7) Apparently the Android update wiped all of the AlpineQuest folders from the SD card and internal memory and I cannot restore.
8) I can add a new folder inside the “/Android” folder, alongside the data folder, but not within the data folder, which I believe I could prior to the Android update.
Any suggestions to fix?
Thank you!