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[closed] No GPS reception in the background since Android 10

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 5:39 pm
by UserMicha
I have been using AQ for quite some time on my new Samsung XCover 4s with Android 9 and was very satisfied until yesterday. Tonight, Samsung installed the new Android 10 for me. And since then I can no longer record tracks in the background. As soon as I switch the device to standby mode (black screen), GPS reception apparently stops. The next time I switch on the device, I can observe in the info box how the satellites are searched again. The signal tones for loss and recovery of the position can also be heard. The distance passed in the meantime was not recorded, instead a straight line connects the positions before and after standby.
I have checked all settings and permissions known to me several times in AQ and in the device settings. I also turned off the option "Disable in background" for test purposes. Unfortunately nothing helped.


Re: No GPS reception in the background since Android 10

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:54 pm
by UserMicha
Hello, I think I found the reason. When switching to Android 10, the power saving settings were changed. The power mode was set to "Medium power saving". I changed it to "Optimized" and also turned on "Adaptive Power Saving". Now the GPS receiver stays on even when the screen is turned off while AQ is tracking.
However, there is something else that surprises me. Under "Power Management of Apps" you can activate "Standby for unused Apps" by clicking on "Advanced". This includes an exception list for "Apps not put into standby". I wanted to enter AQ there. However, the app is not even offered for selection there. What is the reason for this? Because I would actually like to save as much power as possible when I'm on the go and only let AQ run without being affected. Does anyone know the optimum combination of settings for this?

Thanks for any hints,

Re: No GPS reception in the background since Android 10

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 5:36 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Michael,
Sorry for the delay.
With each new Android updates, it's more and more difficult to allow this feature to work correctly. I'm afraid that soon the background tracking will be completely forbidden.
For your problem, check if there is no display filter in the list, for example somewhere where you can choose to list "All apps" or "Not optimized apps".
Other than that I honestly don't know, maybe only pre-installed apps can be excluded from this feature...
Just for information, here is the help page concerning the setup of the background recording: ... _recording
Best regards