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[closed] GPX Bug? - Geotagging with track recording

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:22 pm
by MBBert
Yesterday I came back from my vacation in Rhodos where I actually used AlpineQuest the first time.
I tried to tag my photos with a recorded track and had two issues:
First, my photo management tool, digiKam (Linux), had problems to process the gpx file until I changed following:

Code: Select all

<?xml encoding="UTF-8" version="1.0"?>

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Seems that digiKam is a little bit pedantic about the order in the xml prolog.

The second was, that digiKam could not find positions for some photos. I recognized that these are photos where I've not moved for a while, so I guess that AlpineQuest only makes track points when the phone is moving.
That's not so good for geotagging because the correlator tries to find a track point for the timestamp of the photo in the gpx file, and when there is no point for a longer period it can't tag the photo. I guess the most correlators would have a problem with that, not only digiKam.
So I suggest a fine tuning for the track recorder with three parameters: time (seconds), distance (meters) and course (degrees).
Every x seconds OR after y meters OR after a change of course for z degrees, the tracker should create a track point.

Apart from that I really like this app! My compliments to the programmer!

Best regards

Re: GPX Bug? + Geotagging with track recording

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:59 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Robert,
Thank you for this detailed feedback!
Concerning the GPX tags problem, this should has been fixed in release 1.0.5... I guess you are using an older version. I checked the fix which seemed to work fine (XML attributes where randomly written)...
For the second one, you are right, no waypoints are created if the position is not changing (which is good for usual use, cause files are lighter...). I will add an option to turn on your behavior. Thanks again

Re: [closed] GPX Bug? + Geotagging with track recording

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:41 pm
by MBBert
Hi Camille,

I see that you have already closed this thread. I only want confirm that with the current version digiKam can read the gpx files now.

Thanks! And I'm looking forward for the geo-tagging option.

Re: [closed] GPX Bug? + Geotagging with track recording

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:14 am
by Psyberia-Support
Yes I closed the bug fix part, but I don't forget the new feature you've requested!
Thanks for the fix confirmation,