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[closed] Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 12:16 am
by Ingensor
Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Good day! I noticed a bug ... if you create multiple waypoints and sort them by date, it turns a strange wrong numbering. If you assign each point name (from the most to the old to the new in the screenshot), then all right.
Prompt, it is a bug, or it should be?

Re: Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:14 pm
by Ingensor
Tried All-In-One Offline Maps app, the same problem there. While on the other phone, everything is fine, no problem. Tried different versions, does not help. What's the problem could be?
Re: Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:24 pm
by Ingensor
It seems incorrect numbering somehow coincides with sorting "Distace from screen center", if the center is set to the last point.
Re: Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:43 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and sorry for the delay.
As far as I understand your report, this is the intended behavior (not a bug).
When a point has no name, the application will randomly assign it a number "X" and call it "Waypoint X" in the placemarks list (but simply "Waypoint" on the map, this number has no sense here).
This number is not related and do not depends on the current sorting. I will remain the same if you change the sort type, however it can change if you add more points in the same folder.
In your first screenshot, you marked the top/left most point has been "1". Based on what? Apparently the app decided it's not "1" but "Waypoint 2".
It's listed first because you've chosen the ascending date sorting, we can deduce it's the first one you created.
Let me know if something is not clear.
Re: Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:49 am
by Ingensor
Sorry, I did not know that the program randomly assigns numbers. Yes, that's right, the numbers change if more point to add.
Is it possible to make the rooms were out of order?
Or add a setting to "user_settings.conf" file to automatically assign a name to create points, with variable, where "N +" - it is the cumulative number of the order and "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss" - this is the date the waypoint was created as to set up "", and the rest - the user name.
For example, in "user_settings.conf" Add setting "Forest N +" and points will names "Forest 1", "Forest 2", "Forest 3", and so on.
Maybe you think of a more competent implementation.
The rest of the program is super, so to speak, and bought a kiss!
Re: Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:03 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Sorry for the delay,
I plan to add predefined waypoints, ie you'll be to pre-fill some fields (icons, name, etc.) and add them directly on the map.
I'll take care to add the ability to add a counter.
Note that you can already do this for existing points:
- Open the placemarks explorer and select multiple points (using multiple selection);
- Select "Edit details" for all the category;
- Fill the name "Forest %i", then Ok.
Points will be names "Forest 1", "Forest 2", etc
Re: Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 8:41 pm
by Ingensor
Thank you for the answer! I will try!
It is very happy to hear that your favorite Navigator is getting better!!! Thanks!
Re: [closed] Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:53 am
by alexlong
There are renaming masks in the application.
Mask 1 is more or less understandable.
What does mask 2 do? Well, maybe you can give some examples of how to use.
Re: [closed] Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:36 am
by Psyberia-Support
%i will be replaced by the index of each item in the list (will go from 1 to number of items)
%n will be replaced by the total number of items in the list.
Re: [closed] Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 12:07 pm
by alexlong
%n will be replaced by the total number of items in the list.
What is the practical use of this mask?
I have applied it and got several waypoints with the same name. For example, I have 4 waypoints and I have:
Perhaps there is something I don't understand or misunderstand?
François, can you give some practical examples?
Do I understand right that the masks can be alternated?
I am a fairly technically advanced user, but I didn't understand how to use these masks at first. So what happens to those users who are somewhat less technical than the advanced users?
It might make sense to either expand the prompt (in blue letters), or add something like
name before %i or %n?
In appropriate languages, of course.
Re: [closed] Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 12:11 pm
by alexlong
One more comment
It seems to me that the mask-based renaming process works a little incorrectly.
Here's an example.
I have placed 4 waypoints on the map one by one, 01,02, 03, 04.
I have the "sort by date in reverse order" mode set in the Placemark explorer, it's comfortable for me because I can see the most recent waypoints at the top of the list.
Then I select all these 4 waypoints
I rename them by mask:
I get waypoints 001, 002, 003, 004.
They do not correspond to the original waypoints.
Look at the most recent screenshot. The waypoints are lined up backwards on the map. The original waypoint 01 is now referred to as 004.
My wish was to rename the waypoints so that 01 turns into 001 accordingly.
I understand that if the sorting was Name (a-z) or something like that, there probably wouldn't be such a problem. But it doesn't always work that way. Or I'd have to rearrange the sorting method every time, and I don't forget about it. If I forget, it could be fraught with problems.
Imagine that I don't have 4 test waypoints on the screen, but 204 waypoints that I put one by one, following the route at a race, for example. I rename them and further confusion occurs.
Re: [closed] Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:53 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Alex,
For the %n, for example it can be used like this: "Waypoint %i of %n". They will be renamed "Waypoint 1 of 50", "Waypoint 2 of 50", etc.
I'll see if I can add a link for more help somewhere.
For the order of waypoints, yes you have to be careful to first display by name if you want to keep the same order after renaming.
I think it's important that when you rename the waypoints, the order is the one currently displayed in the list.
This way, can can rename your waypoints based on any ordering you want, not only the original order.
Re: [closed] Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:08 pm
by alexlong
%i will be replaced by the index of each item in the list (will go from 1 to number of items)
If I want to see the numbering as 01 or 001, which mask should I use?
For example, I have 55 waypoints in a folder. I want to rename them all so that they look like 001 of 55, 002 of 55, and so on.
What should the mask be?
%iii of %n
There is a hint in the applicationx
%i → 1.7
%n → 7
Can I see (at least here) a description of what this means? Let's imagine that I don't know anything about that at all, and I don't understand the meaning of these numbers.

Re: [closed] Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 7:56 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Alex,
No sorry right now it's not possible. You can only do 1 of 55, 2 of 55, etc.
Edit: I've added this ability, it will be in the next update

Re: [closed] Wrong numbering nameless waypoints ... or?
Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:10 pm
by suntalla
Hi François,
Never understood the numbering.
Now with something new coming up next update an explanation/pointer in the manual how to work with them would be appreciated.
As allways
Friendly greetings