[closed] Money deducted twice
Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:32 pm
I have erroneously paid twice for elevation and kmz support as in the first time the support dint go through however my money has been deducted from my account
Transaction id
1. Thx for INB txn of Rs.390 frm A/c X4452 to Times of M... Ref#IGAHNJPKX6 on 25Nov19.
2.Thx for INB txn of Rs.310 frm A/c X4452 to Times of M... Ref#IGAHNJQCM0 on 25Nov19.
Request refund of the money as i have again paid and now i have got the elevation and kmz support
Akshay Negi
Transaction id
1. Thx for INB txn of Rs.390 frm A/c X4452 to Times of M... Ref#IGAHNJPKX6 on 25Nov19.
2.Thx for INB txn of Rs.310 frm A/c X4452 to Times of M... Ref#IGAHNJQCM0 on 25Nov19.
Request refund of the money as i have again paid and now i have got the elevation and kmz support
Akshay Negi