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Saving waypoints

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 8:58 pm
by Eureka621
I am using the free, public version of Offline Maps installed on my tablet and yesterday, I accidently dropped it and cracked the screen. I use this app everyday and I want to upgrade to the pro version as soon as I get my new phone arrives in the mail. I have literally, hundreds of waypoints saved and it has taken me considerable time to do this. I do not want to have start all over. What can I do to keep my waypoints when I install the app on my new phone? Also, does the app have the ability to create and save tracks? How do i do this? I am tired of making wrong turns when going back the way I arrived. Not to mention trying to find places months later after I already been there. Any help provided to me would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Saving waypoints

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 7:08 am
by Psyberia-Support
The application stores all its data in the application folder.
You need to copy this folder from your old device to your new one and you'll be able to reuse all your data. I hope you are at least able to access the files from your old device.
Let me know if you need more details