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distance (remaining on path)

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:33 pm
by alexlong
Is there an answer why the Explorer mode displays different values – in Follow path / Profile (102.34) and at the end of a track (97.3)? The screenshot time interval was about 4 seconds, I could not move far for this time.
I just moved the screen center from the current GPS position to the end of the track and I found that the value distance (remaining on path) at the end of the track is different to the value displayed in Explorer mode Profile.

Re: distance (remaining on path)

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:15 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Alex,
It's not the same thing.
The "97.3" value in the "Outdoor GPS" box, is the distance from your GPS location to the screen center. It's displayed as a blue line when you don't turn off the "GPS distance line" option.
The "102.34" value in the Explorer mode is the remaining distance from your GPS location to the end of the track you're currently following (or to the target if it's a point).