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[fixed] Done so far % possible bug?

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 7:54 pm
by alexlong
If I move the screencenter along the track I see that done so far % not as 99% or 100%. At the picture below you can see some screenshots – I merged 5 images after I shifted the screencenter 5 times - the start was at the beginning of a track, the finnish was at the end of a track. The last value is dispalyed as 62% done so far though it was the end of a track and the value should be 99% or 100%.
But everything is OK if I follow the same track not in "manual mode" but with GPS. When I get the finnish I see 99% done so far dispalyed (instead of 62% as it was in "manual mode").
Is it a bug?

Re: Done so far % possible bug?

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:12 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Alex,
I need to make an online help page on the Explorer mode but unfortunately I didn't have the time yet.
From what I understand from your screenshot (it's difficult because the default colors are different), in your last screenshot the remaining distance is still 64km (and +39:36 mins) so it cannot be 100%.
In the Explorer mode, the remaining distance and % are given from your real GPS location, so you need to physically move along the path to see the value changing correctly.

The done so far and percent are computed like this:
- Progress (%) = [ Done so far ] / [ Done so far + Remaining on path ]

- Done so far (m): If the track recorder is ON, the length already recorded, as displayed in the "Done so far" tab. If the track recorder is OFF, the length from the start of the followed path until the next target on the path.
- Remaining on path (m): length from your GPS location to the next target on the path + length from the next target on the path until the end along the path.

Re: Done so far % possible bug?

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:04 pm
by alexlong
I would like to say the following...

When I move along the track by GPS, the app shows the distance done in % in the upper right corner of Explorer Mode panel. I have 33%, I turned on the recording screen after I passed 33%. But this is not important in this case. When I get to the finish point, the application should display 100%, that is the distance done increases and reaches 100%.

If I manually move the center of the screen to the finish and reach the finish by screen center, the application will not show 100%. But I'm at the finish point, I move along the track manually, and the center of the screen is also moving along the track. Why the application goes to indications of 100% in case of movement with GPS, and in case of movement of the center of the screen manually on the same track in a final point the application does not display 100%, and shows absolutely other values?
Screen recording is here → ... 454a179b80

Re: Done so far % possible bug?

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:28 pm
by Psyberia-Support
I think the problem is that the data is only partially updated when you move the center point, wheres it should not be updated at all. I'll try to fix this.
When you're in the Explorer mode, all the data make sense when the center is locked on the current GPS.

So the expected behavior is that if you manually move the map, the data should not change. It should only change when you physically move with the GPS.
So in your case, it should always be 33% even if you manually move over the end. Because this information is "how much you have done from start to end".

Re: Done so far % possible bug?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:17 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,
As of version 2.2.4, the progress is displayed based on:
- The current GPS location (if the GPS is turned on);
- The screen center location otherwise.
So there is no more problem (at least no more this problem).