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[closed] SSL Handshake Exception

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 6:43 am
by DaveEvans
I recently have been getting the following text checkerboarded on my maps: SSLhandshakeException

I can no longer download topo tiles. Has been working fine 'til now. How can I fix it?

AlpineQuest v.2.2.0b
Samsung Galaxy S4
Android v4.2.2

Re: SSL Handshake Exception

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 5:06 pm
by Psyberia-Support

This is due to your Android version which is out of date...

More and more map servers now use new security protocols that where not available at that time.

What you can do is to edit the map config file (you can look at his path in the map details) and remove all "https" occurrences by "http", in case the map server also allows unsecured connections.
Hope it helps

Best regards