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New slope layers Eastern Alps

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:47 pm
by Nemsus
For backcountry skiing slope maps are extremely valuable for route planning. I am happy to see that AlpineQuest is already able to show the slope layers for the French and Swiss alps but for the Austrian alps there were no options available. DEM is nice but the resolution is too low for use in avalanche terrain (DEM is 30m versus Swissmap is 10m and IGN 1m).

For the eastern Alps there is the initiative and I was able to add it as a layer to AQ. It is based on hi-res data (upto 5m). Maybe Psyberia can review this AQX proposal (and even add it to the community maps).

- Low Resolution: Based on 10m-DGMs, Austria, South Tirol (10m), Bavaria (30m) Slovenia (20m)
- Medium Resolution: Interpolated 10m-Daten Austria, South Tirol and Trentino.
- High Resolution: Based on exact 5m data for Tirol, Salzburg, Vorarlberg and South Tirol.
- Hill Shade layer

Example of HR layer:
(329.55 KiB) Downloaded 1209 times
(15.01 KiB) Downloaded 1209 times

Re: New slope layers Eastern Alps

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:54 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Nemsus and thanks for your map suggestion and file.

Actually I've added this map just a few days ago! You can get it from the community maps list, named "Austria OpenSlopeMap".

However my point of view diverges concerning the built-in DEM slopes layer. I do believe it's a good start to detect large areas with high slope.