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Route planing

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:30 pm
Hi all, I LOVE this app! I have only just been told about it and already I think it is all I have been looking for, fantastic and thank you.

I just have one simple question which I cannot find an answer for.... I have been adding some routes onto a map as per the instructions and when I save/close the boxes the route displays just as it should, but when I then open it, the route has joined the start and finish points together.

Can I stop this from doing that please? I have got into all sorts of pickles trying to delete way points in the hope of removing the closed-loop route..

I hope this is not documented somewhere and I have missed it!

Thank you for your time,

Sheffield, UK (In case you do not know!)

Re: Rout planing

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:31 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Brian and thanks for your feedback!

Concerning your problem, the only thing I can see for now is that you're drawing an area instead of a path.

Could it be that?
Best regards

Re: Rout planing

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:55 pm
Wow, excellent service, very quick response, thank you.

What I am doing is "clicking" on the centre of the map, where the "focus" is, and selecting "Create a landmark..." then select "Route". Then move the map centre and click until I have plotted the route, then click on the "x" to close and save the route.

So no, not an area unless the menu system has gone a little wonky somehow, but definitely clicking on "Route".

Thanks anyway,


Re: Rout planing

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:22 am
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again and sorry for the delay.

I haven't been able to reproduce this problem yet.
You said the problem occurs when you open the route after having created it, could you tell me more precisely what you mean by "open"?

Thanks and sorry for the troubles,
Best regards

Re: Rout planing

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:49 pm
My turn to say sorry for the delay.....

I have now deleted the route and tried it again with the same result....

What I did was, create a route and save it but this route has another segment that joins it half way along, so I start a new route and save that naming it as "2".

I then cut the route "2", go to the first route and using the small past icon in the top right, I select paste all. This is when thy system joins the two routes as expected but add another line joining the start of the second route with the end of the first route using a straight line, "as-the-crow-flies" as the saying goes.

The instructions say you can cut and paste but it says this in the "How to merge track segments" is this why it is not working as I am trying to merge routes?

Thank you again for your help.


Re: Rout planing

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:46 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hum that's more complex than I thought!
Ok I'll try to reproduce it and let you know soon.

Re: Rout planing

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:46 am
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again, after further investigation, this is what I see:
- First, "routes" (create a landmark -> route) can only have one single part. A route cannot be broken apart or include multiple, broken apart, parts. Only paths (create a landmark -> path) can have multiple sub-parts ("segments") that you can split and join.
- Then, when editing points of a path with multiple segments, a weird behavior occurs (as per version 2.1.0) when adding at the end of a segment which it not the last one. Instead of added the new points at the end of this segment, points are added at the beginning of the next one. A fix will be available in the next update.
Let me know if you need more details on any point.
Best regards