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Possible Possible Bug Remembering Which POI Files To Load On Startup

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:02 pm
by Yemble
Whist re-importing POI GXP files into AQ 2.1.0.r4609 I noticed it took several attempts with Explore placemarks and Displayed placemarks to get AQ to remember to display the POIs from all four imported files during startup. Whilst AQ would always load at least one of the files, it took several attempts to get it to remember to load all four automatically.

However, once it had remembered to display all four files, that stuck and it has been consistantly fine ever since. This is rather odd behaviour, but I replicated it on several devices, so it was not a one-off.

Re: Possible Possible Bug Remembering Which POI Files To Load On Startup

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 11:39 am
by Yemble
I have discovered a reliable work-around for this odd issue...

1) Import the GPX file and display the landmarks with Explore placemarks
2) Exit AQ and move the newly created LDK file from the Imported placemarks folder to another folder (eg. GPX Landmarks)
3) Restart AQ and select the LDK file with Explore placemarks, then display it
4) Use Displayed placemarks to toggle the file display off and then back on (just once)
5) Restart AQ to verify that the file is now automatically displayed at startup

Re: Possible Possible Bug Remembering Which POI Files To Load On Startup

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:24 am
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,
After importing files, be sure that:
- They are displayed;
- You don't restart the app right after closing it (when you close the app, it's not displayed anymore but the app still runs in the background for a little time to save preferences, so it you start it right after it may restart before the preferences have been saved);
- After restarting the application, wait that all displayed landmarks are fully re-displayed (there is white info box displayed at the lop/left while displayed files are loading). If you close the application before the loading ends, files not already loaded won't be displayed the same time (in order to ensure that files taking too much times to load won't crash the app at every startups, so they are not kept).
But it's also possible that you find a bug...
Best regards