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Poor Loading Performance For LDK/GPX Files - Solution

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:35 pm
by Yemble
Not so much a bug, as an observation...

Ever since the introduction of LDK format in AQ, the loading performance of my LDK files, originally imported from GPX files, has been relatively poor, typically up to a minute after displaying the map. I had always pinned the blame for this on the microSD performance of my old NotePro tablet until very recently, after I purchased the latest set of 2018 Good Beer Guide POIs.

This was a replacement of the previous 2015 GBG POI file, so required re-importing into AQ LDK format. Once done, it was immediately apparant that the loading performance of the new POI file was dramatically faster (almost instantaneous) compared with the old POI file. Spurred on by this, I deleted all of my other LDK POI files and re-imported them from their original GPX files. The performance gains were of the same order of magnitude and AQ now starts without delay, even when several thousand POIs are displayed !

Obviously, something has changed in the processing of LDK files over the years of AQs development. So, if you are suffering from slow load performance when POI files are displayed, try re-importing all of your old LDK files !

BTW, I have proved this on three Android phones and a tablet ;)

Re: Poor Loading Performance For LDK/GPX Files - Solution

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:13 am
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Yamble,
The import & loading of external files (GPX and KML) has been improved and speed up in the last versions, but I don't see any reasons why a file imported using an older version should be longer to display than the same file imported using the last version.
At least I haven't noticed such behavior (but it still possible). If in any case you have the same file imported with different versions and with different display times that you would like to email me, I could have a deeper look.
Best regards

Re: Poor Loading Performance For LDK/GPX Files - Solution

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:33 am
by Yemble
Since re-importing the GPX files, I've had no occurrence of slow load performance, so I'm pretty sure this was a legacy issue, possibly stretching back years.

AFAIK, it's gone and not worth investigating any further.