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[closed] screen keeps switching on whilst recording track

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:37 pm
by woolsgrs
Setup record track and then lock phone would find the screen would switch back on after a couple of seconds and stay on. Switched to home screen with track recording in background and locked phone screen came back on, locked again and would stay off. I have deselected screen on feature.

Running 1.0.8 on Dell Streak (Android 1.6)

Have only just purchased and this was first track i created.


Re: screen keeps switching on whilst recording track

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:15 am
by Psyberia-Support
First, thanks for your support.
Concerning the "always screen on" features:
- It is not depending on the fact you are recording a track or not;
- It has no impact if AlpineQuest is in background;
- It only deactivates the screen off default timeout when AlpineQuest is in foreground (currently shown).

I checked it again and everything seems ok (on a HTC Desire).