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Display Mercator maps

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:22 am
by Zaher
Hi, can you please advise how to display/import Mercator maps into the app.
I can find only the pseudo-mercator
Thank you in advance

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:51 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Sorry but I can't understand your question.
Mercator is not a map but a projection (a way to display a map).
Could you describe more precisely what you're trying to do?

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:34 pm
by Zaher
Sorry for the inconvenience, yes I want to know how to display Mercator projection because I can't find the option in the location format.
Hope my request is clear now :)
Thanks & regards

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:20 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,
Do you have an example of a displayed mercator projection, like a page where I can find an example so I can better understand?

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:07 am
by Zaher
Thank you for your support
Sorry for not being clear before because I'm not very familiar with maps and projections.
I have a paper map with Transverse-Mercator projection with the following description:

WGS_1984_UTM_Zone 37N
Projection: Transverse_Mercator
Datum: D_WGS_1984

Could you please advise how to have the same projection on the mobile application.
Thank you very much for your support.

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:11 am
by Psyberia-Support
To use this projection in the application, open the app settings, click on "Location format" and select "UTM (WGS84/NAD83)".
To display the grid of this projection, you can have a look at here: ... e_the_grid.

Let me know if something is not clear.

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:47 am
by Zaher
Thank you very much for your support.
I have another issue please:
I have another paper map, the description of this map is "Transverse Mercator" only. How can I display it on the app. It is different from UTM I think right? I have different figures
Thank you for your patience and support

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:37 am
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,

UTM states for "Universal Transverse Mercator", it's an "improved" version of Transverse Mercator that can be used all over the world.
On the other hand, Transverse Mercator only (without "Universal") is usually only used on particular areas, called Bands or Zone (example: Zone "37N" like in your case). But you will get the same results.

But if you want to use the Transverse Mercator WGS84 Zone 37N you can.
Follow this online help, click on the "Import" button (6) and type code "32637".

Let me know if something is not clear.

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:37 am
by Zaher
Thank you again
Yes, when I imported the code 32637 I had the same results as UTM and it is different from my map.
I wonder if it will be helpful if I gave you a random area in my map and its coordinates:
36°04'39.8 N
37°20'03.9 E
The corresponding Mercator figures are something like:
3997400 N
455200 E
As I said, the only description on the map is Transverse Mercator.
Somewhere else it is written (4th area extended into the 5th area), I don't know what is this or if it is related.
Thank you in advance

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:03 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,
I've searched and didn't find any matches unfortunately.
When a map states "transverse mercator" it usually means UTM, but you're right that there the figures don't match.
Without any additional information I won't be able to find the correct coordinate system, sorry about that...

Re: Display Mercator maps

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 7:53 am
by Zaher
Thank you very much for your kind support.
If I found any additional information I will contact you.
Best regards.