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[fixed] Auto-routing impossible

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 9:05 pm
by alexlong
I have problems while trying to create a path in Auto-routing mode
Auto-routing says "Source OSRM Please wait" and then "Network error" appears
I use AlpineQuest 2.0.5 R3549. I asked people in AlpineQuest section of if they have problems. They really have it.
First of all I thought it was 2.0.5 R3549 problem but people wrote me about the same thing with 2.0.4 stable version so I guess the problem is on OSRM part.
How do you fix it?
Is it real to have more than one auto-routing service provider?

Thanks in advance
Thanks for AQ.

Re: Auto-routing impossible

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:27 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Alex,
Unfortunately the OSRM server has problems right now, it should be fixed soon.
And yes it would be great to have another provider of auto-routing, even better would be to have it offline. It's all planned features, but I can't tel you when...

Re: Auto-routing impossible

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:45 pm
by alexlong
Auto-routing works again.