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[closed] Workspaces

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:35 pm
by ds47uk
I have started making greater use of Workspaces. So I have one for France (holidays) one for Germany (holidays), etc and one for the Historic UK OS maps, as well as the "default" workspace which covers local UK maps. When not in use these can be backed up onto PC storage creating more free memory on the tablet.

What I think could be useful is if a Default Workspace could be made to be visible at all times and then one Named Workspace would be visible AS WELL AS the default. This may be useful for example to keep OSM maps (which of course cover the whole of Europe and more) and perhaps overview (low magnification) maps of other areas, while keeping the detailed maps separate.

What do you think about this?

best regards

Re: Workspaces

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:56 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi David and sorry for the delay.
I understand your need but after some thinking I don't think that workspaces are suitable for this.
The reason is that workspaces are not only used for the maps, but are more like a global work environment you can switch depending on your current use. In addition to the installed on-demand maps, workspaces will restore various settings and so cannot be mixed together.
I'll soon release a new version (maybe you've already tried the beta) with the ability to setup your own buttons in the main menu. And each workspace will have its own setup buttons...
Also, as soon as possible each workspace will have its own displayed landmarks (ie changing the workspace will also change displayed landmarks), to go further in this idea of environment.
All this make it difficult to use different workspaces at the same time...
But I'll try to think of another solution, like just "pining" a map set so it's not changed together with workpaces... But in this case what happens if the same map is already in the selected workspace... We'll see...

Re: Workspaces

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 3:30 pm
by ds47uk
OK thanks for the reply. I'm trying to keep separate OSM files in each workspace and it's ~working OK so far! So long as I remember!!

The separate landmarks looks like a good idea and I look forward to trying that.

best wishes