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[done] selection of active "Displayed Landmarks" within a file is lost when app closes

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:52 am
by theksmith
steps to reproduce:
- Explore Landmarks > import a GPX file containing multiple tracks > Display
- Displayed Landmarks > click on the name of the newly imported file (something.gpx.ldk) to browse within it
- deselect (uncheck) all but a couple of the tracks, which will undisplay most tracks
- close the Displayed Tracks area
- close the AlpineQuest app completely, then re-launch it
- issue: at this point all tracks within the recently imported GPX file are now displayed again. my selections of which tracks to display within the something.gpx.ldk file are lost. this is not consistent behavior since if i have multiple LDK files loaded and have unchecked some of them, those selections are restored correctly.

AlpineQuest 2.0.4.r3396 / Android 5.02

thanks in advance!

Re: selection of active "Displayed Landmarks" within a file is lost when app closes

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:04 pm
by Psyberia-Support
You're absolutely right.
I'll try to fix this before the next official version.
Thanks for the report
Best regards

Re: [done] selection of active "Displayed Landmarks" within a file is lost when app closes

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:43 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Fix release in 2.0.6