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[closed] Activity / Busy Indicator

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:39 am
by Yemble
It can take quite a long time for AQ to load a large LDK file. Whilst the file is loading in background, the AQ screen becomes completely unresponsive and there is no feedback from app that it is busy processing. This can mislead the user into thinking that their device has crashed. In fact, some times, even Android believes AQ has locked up and asks the user whether they would like to close it, or continue waiting!

I think that it would be more friendly if AQ displayed some form of indication that it was busy during file load operations, even if this is just a spinner (and preferably also let the OS know that it has not crashed). With GPX file imports, AQ displays a percentage progress indicator, which is fine.

Re: Activity / Busy Indicator

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:55 am
by Psyberia-Support
Thanks for your email and support.
I completely understand what you mean. You could try to create sub folders so when you list the contents the list in the landmarks explorer it will be displayed faster. That is only the display in the Explorer which would need this kind of message as when you load and display the content on the map, then you get a spinner.
I will see what I can do in the future.