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[closed] Can I remove the taget information box

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:04 pm
by EamonP
When following a path an information box appear on the screen showing distance to target. Is there an option to hide this box? On my phone the box is too small to read but still managed to obscure the display.

I'm not sure if I understand the 'Set the target at least ...' parameter. When cycling I would have thought the distance should be 0 but this is not an option. (If you deviate from the path you have taken a wrong turn or missed a turn and you have to go back to where you left the path.)

Also I would like a 'Display size' option of Very very big. On my phone when I zoom in the path seems to disappear. If must be an optical illusion but I find myself zooming out to see the path and zooming in to see the map detail.

Otherwise I find the Follow Path function absolutely brilliant. Thank you.

Re: Can I remove the taget information box

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:51 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and thanks for your interest in our application.

Yes you can hide this infobox. Click on the landmark menu, then on "Options" and then un-check "Target information". Note that you can hide all info boxes this way (they all belong to a particular feature menu).

For the "Set target at least...", it's used by the application to select a particular location as the target on the followed path. You usually want to set a distance greater that 0 so you always have a target in advance on your path (otherwise you target will be your current location).
Unfortunately the online help hasn't been updated yet, but the idea is the same on the new version: ... ollow-path

And for the "disappearing" path that's not a feature. And I haven't been able to reproduce it. Let me know if you believe there is something wrong here.

Best regards

Re: Can I remove the taget information box

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:23 pm
by EamonP

Thank you for the prompt response.

The Target information checkbox displays/hides the box at the top left hand of the screen. What I would like to hide is the distance information that is shown at the centre of the screen.

As for the "disappearing" path. What I mean is that, for GB OS maps, any path is the same width as the road before zooming in. As you zoom in the width of the path relative to the road becomes smaller. At maximum zoom it is the same width as the line that bounds the road. In sunlight (and without reading glasses) it get lost in the map detail. The problem is probably my phone which has a rather basic display (Xperia E). However, I have found that if I change the colour from red to purple it is easier to see the path, so you can drop this as an enhancement request.

Re: Can I remove the taget information box

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:08 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Ok sorry I misunderstood the target request.
So no unfortunately as soon as there is a location targeted, you cannot hide this distance information.
I'll see what I can do about that...