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[done] Export GPX with picture extension

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 2:38 pm
by Coder_ak

In version 1.4 was ability to directly save data to gpx files with pictures as gpx extensions tag. Now in 2.0.2 I can export Landmark file to gpx, but pictures now added to file.

Is it bug or feature and how it possible to export gpx file with associated pictures as:

<wpt lat="61.12527" lon="73.5308448">
<aq:picture xmlns:aq="">2 ... aq:picture>

Re: Export GPX with picture extension

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 5:18 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and sorry for the delay.

Yes the GPX has changed in version 2.X (it's a wanted behavior). We've cleaned the export and left only standard data, as the extensions were causing lot of problems in some external applications...

If you need to export pictures (or colors), I advice you to use the KML format, which allows to export this king of things natively. You can also choose the KMZ format to include your pictures within the exported file. You'll then be able to view them with you open your file in Google Earth (and in AlpineQuest too after re-importing the file). Most application using GPX files are also able to open KML files.

It's also possible to export the picture names when choosing the CSV format.

Let me know if you have any question or request.

Best regards

Re: Export GPX with picture extension

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 7:45 pm
by Coder_ak

But KML export also doesn't include pictures and KMZ not good, because I need to convert data to some other format.
Python gpxpy module work well with extensions and I use it in my converter. Maybe it possible to add option to export GPX with all data?
And there is no option to export Landmark file to CSV :)

Re: Export GPX with picture extension

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:09 am
by Psyberia-Support
You're right for the CSV...
For the KML, I thought the picture names would be exported, but maybe not, I haven't double checked.
I just had another idea (just a little bit more complicated): export in .KMZ, rename the .KMZ file in .ZIP, and get the .KML file inside (a KMZ file is a zipped KML file). Then you'll have a KML file with the picture names.

From my side, I'll see what I can do and if I can add an option (but I would like not to make it visible to everyone since it's not a common action...).

Best regards

Re: Export GPX with picture extension

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:11 pm
by Coder_ak
That more complicated than just use 1.4.22 version :)
Maybe it possible in user_settings. As for me I choose Alpinequest for easy waypoint adding and export to gpx with photo. It's the only app without long and compex way to just add some waypoints and easily export to gpx )

Re: Export GPX with picture extension

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:23 am
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,
I've released version 2.0.2c which allows you to export the picture names using the user setting:

Code: Select all

Let me know if you need any help to activate it.
Best regards

Re: [done] Export GPX with picture extension

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:27 am
by Coder_ak
Great news!
Thanks for this improvement.