[fixed] Saving recorded tracks problem
Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 7:21 am
I welcome the improvements with AQ2 but I have been having problems with saving tracks. I have a Samsung Note 3, Android 5 which I have used as my AQ phone for maps, tracks etc for over a year. As an example, I recorded a track yesterday when out walking. I stopped and saved the track giving it a specific name. I then reloaded the track and in the menu chose export to gpx. The app confirmed that track exported to android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/landmarks/exported landmarks.
I then connect my phone to my laptop and look at this file (which is not shown in Exported Landmarks) with a view to copying to my computer. The file is labelled as track_20160515_132805_2016.05 and is not a gpx file and doesn't have the name I have given it. I have tried exporting again using one of the other formats e.g. kml and curiously when I try to look at these files on my laptop I can only see one file - the same one labelled even though I have exported several times. If I look at the files using a file manager on my phone I can see the different files exported and they are labelled as track_20160515_132805_2016 (2).05 and track_20160515_132805_2016 3) .05 etc, but they are not designated as a gpx, or kmx or kml file. In the folder Recorded tracks the track is labelled as track_20160515_132805_2016.05.15_grayrigg_to_tebay. The latter part of this name is the specific name I have given this track.
This is not an isolated problem. When I was away on a walking trip very recently I recorded tracks successfully everyday, but when I got home and tried to retrieve these tracks after naming and exporting each of them, unfortunately, no meaningful data was available. I have attached some pictures showing the folders. Thank you for your help with this.
But within the AQ Landmark file system under Local Landmarks, there are 5 folders including Exported landmarks. In the list it shows 0 folder - 6 files, but when selected it says this place is empty.I then connect my phone to my laptop and look at this file (which is not shown in Exported Landmarks) with a view to copying to my computer. The file is labelled as track_20160515_132805_2016.05 and is not a gpx file and doesn't have the name I have given it. I have tried exporting again using one of the other formats e.g. kml and curiously when I try to look at these files on my laptop I can only see one file - the same one labelled even though I have exported several times. If I look at the files using a file manager on my phone I can see the different files exported and they are labelled as track_20160515_132805_2016 (2).05 and track_20160515_132805_2016 3) .05 etc, but they are not designated as a gpx, or kmx or kml file. In the folder Recorded tracks the track is labelled as track_20160515_132805_2016.05.15_grayrigg_to_tebay. The latter part of this name is the specific name I have given this track.
This is not an isolated problem. When I was away on a walking trip very recently I recorded tracks successfully everyday, but when I got home and tried to retrieve these tracks after naming and exporting each of them, unfortunately, no meaningful data was available. I have attached some pictures showing the folders. Thank you for your help with this.