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[closed] AlpineQuest restarts when device power is lost

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:35 pm
by theksmith
AlpineQuest restarts the entire application when the power/charging state of the device changes. this is particularly a problem when a large map and large GPX file are loaded and so it takes time to restore those items.

i could not find any broadcast receiver related to power or battery status so i couldn't simply disable such a receiver to fix this myself.

i am using a Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet, Verizon 4G Edition on Android 5.0.2 with AlpineQuest 1.4.22.

this has been a problem for several versions, it is not a new bug but it did take me a long time to figure out what event was triggering the app restart. i finally realized that my tablet is bouncing out of it's charging cradle on bumpy roads for just a millisecond. none of my other apps, nor even the Android statusbar charging indicator icon respond to the split-second change in charging state, so i didn't realize that it was happening!

thank you in advance for addressing this bug!

Re: AlpineQuest restarts when device power is lost

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:22 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Thanks for your report, and sorry about this issue.
As you have noticed the app doesn't listen to the charging state of the device, and should not be impacted by it, so I think it's not just the charging state, but rather a display mode or something like this, itself triggered by the charging state (I've checked again on all my devices and the app doesn't restart on any of them when plugging/unplugging the cable).
Anyway, the new version handles much more events, it may be better with it. If it's not, just let me know I'll check again the list of events that may restart the app.
Best regards

Re: AlpineQuest restarts when device power is lost

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 7:20 pm
by theksmith
thanks, i just checked another device and confirmed that it was only my Sony tablet with the issue. then i also found that it is only when i use the magnetic charging connector on the bottom of the tablet! charging via the micro-usb port does not cause the issue.

i will check out logcat and see what i can find.

thanks for the help!

Re: AlpineQuest restarts when device power is lost

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:22 am
by theksmith
according to this thread, your app is not the only one with this behavior: ... d-p/655103 - but Sony still thinks it's up to the app dev to handle everything that happens related to their dock connected/disconnected event tree more gracefully.

anyway, please don't waste any more time on this issue as i found that the newest OfflineMaps app does NOT have the problem so i'm going to guess that the AlpineQuest v2.0 rewrite will be ok as well.

Re: AlpineQuest restarts when device power is lost

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:45 am
by Psyberia-Support
Thanks a lot for the link.
So yes, what happens here is that when you plug your Sony device with magnetic charger, the display mode changes (which is quite unique to Sony I guess), and the "mode changed" event make the app restart (which is a normal behavior).
This event is now handled by the app so yes it will be all fine with the next version. Great news!
Best regards

Re: AlpineQuest restarts when device power is lost

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:54 am
by Psyberia-Support
Should be now fine with AlpineQuest 2.