not so many answers here in the last years
However, as e.g. OTM does not allow to download too many files at once, the cache saves some time, when re-using the tiles somewhere else...
So, I worked on extracting the cached tiles (IDX and DAT) and hopefully it helps somebody out there.
The code is not checked very well, but for me (AQ v 2.2.5d) it perfectly extracts some PNG on UNIX (Don't worry, should run on other "OS's" as well).
So please accept that this utility and code comes with absolutely no warranty!
Attached is a zip file, containing to jars, one executable, the other just containing the source code.
Some typical calls could be:
Code: Select all
java -jar /path-to-jar/AqCache.jar (general help)
java -jar /path-to-jar/AqCache.jar AqDatDump (specific help)
java -jar /path-to-jar/AqCache.jar AqDatDump OSMOTM.DAT (just list)
java -jar /path-to-jar/AqCache.jar AqDatDump -e png OSMOTM.DAT (list and extract)
java -jar /path-to-jar/AqCache.jar AqIdxDump (specific help)
java -jar /path-to-jar/AqCache.jar AqIdxDump OSMOTM.IDX (just list)
java -jar /path-to-jar/AqCache.jar AqIdxDump -e png OSMOTM.IDX (list and extract)
Maybe the IDX stuff does not really help, but if you want to understand the structure and/or extract specific tiles (or on the fly by other applications), you should understand the IDX.
I did not understand all of the bits and bytes in the IDX or DAT file, so the tool might not work always ;/
Give it a try, comments welcome