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Saved areas vs. areas just viewed

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Saved areas vs. areas just viewed

Post by Guest »

If I am going to hike a particular area, I may view the area in AQ then do the hike using the map offline without having stored it. It's more convenient when I have no plans to return to the area again. Recently, I viewed several areas then several days later, did the hike and learned that the map was no longer stored.

I assume that a stored area is retained until the area is manually cleared. How about an area that was viewed but not stored? Is there a time limit on how long is it saved or a fixed amount of storage that is available?

I usually only need an area stored for a short time. It would be helpful to know how AQ determines how map data is stored temporarily.

Thanks for continuing support for this great product.
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Re: Saved areas vs. areas just viewed

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi and thanks for your interest and support in our application.
Viewed and saved area are both stored identically on the local storage (either internal or external depending on the settings).
The stored data is never automatically deleted by the application, it's only updated after some time if the area is viewed again.
You can check the size of the data for a given map (this is displayed for each map in the Maps explorer), and if you long press it you can delete all its data.
It's true that you cannot only display the map without storing it, but can clear the stored data when you want quite easily.
We're currently working on the new 2.0 version and will improve the stored data management.
Let me know if something is not clear enough.
Best regards
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