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[closed] OS Digital mapping

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:37 pm
by Ghorner
Ordnance Survey is altering their Get-A-Map to OS Digital map so that it can be loaded onto Androids.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how Alpine Quest users can take advantage of that? I am thinking on the line that a large section can be saved and later used as stored map within AQ. At the moment I can only print the map in a pdf format.

Any suggestion?

Re: OS Digital mapping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:33 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Yes you're right Get-A-Map uses the digital map, however it doesn't change a lot of things regarding the use in the application.
This map can be (manually) added in the app like the explorer and landranger maps, however it requires a key so right now there is no way to include it in the community maps (see the recent issues with the key).
Don't hesitate to clarify what you meant if I didn't answer your question
Best regards

Re: OS Digital mapping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:05 pm
by Ghorner
Thanks for the interest in my topic.

Yes, I have read about the Key issues from previous posts.

OS is having to change over because of problem with Silverlight; So they are in the process of relaunching the new service called 'OS Map' which supports HTML 5. At the moment I can only access the digital maps online, but there is no way of transferring the map into any other apps. Or at least, I have not found a way of doing it.
I do subscribe to Get a map / OS Map purely for route planning, and then transferring my routes into the Landmarks folder in AQ.
The advantage with OS Map is that I get the latest mapping. Do you think that a screenshot can be saved in a particular format which can then be read by AQ for navigation. My qct maps are 12 years old; so you can see where I am coming from.

Re: OS Digital mapping

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:39 pm
by Psyberia-Support
OS is having to change over because of problem with Silverlight; So they are in the process of relaunching the new service called 'OS Map' which supports HTML 5.
Thanks for the info, that a good thing if they drop Silverlight!

You could use geo-referenced screen-shots but it would be a pain to import just small areas.
It would be much easier to make the app directly use the online data. I do not have lot of time right now since I want to finish the new update as soon as possible, but send me an email so if I find some time I can make and send you the config file to add these maps in the app.

Best regards

Re: OS Digital mapping

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:35 pm
by Ghorner
You are right. I have tried the' Custon Map' system by superimposing a jpeg image over Google earth for the Geo referencing. It's a pain, and also the the end product, i.e the map is not very good afterwards. So it's not worth all the effort.

I will email you once their new OS Map service go online proper. At the moment the have a beta version available for subscribers to play with.

Thanks for your attention.

Re: OS Digital mapping

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:10 pm
by Yemble
Alternatively, you could do what I did. Buy a 128Gb microSDXC for your Android device, assuming that it has a card slot, then use the AQ Store Area function to build a complete OSGB map of the UK at both 1:50K and 1:25K, from the community map serviced by BING. It takes a while, but once you have it, AQ can be operated in offline mode permanently, until such a time that you may want to update some, or all tiles, of the map.

I am assuming that BING serves out the latest OSGB map updates, but I have been unable to clarify that on the Internet.

Re: OS Digital mapping

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:38 pm
by Ghorner
Thanks mate. Yep, I have an sd slot but will only take up to 32GB card. Will try your suggestion.