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[fixed] Create .gpx file error

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:15 pm
by raulsanchez
Hi there,
I am having problems trying to create a new .gpx file through + button
I have tried in different folders... the phone throws an exception:

Code: Select all

Call: onClick
In: alo
Throws: android.content.res.Resources
Message: String resource ID #0x0
This was working fine until last update

Re: Create .gpx file error

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:13 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Yes you're right there is an issue when creating an empty GPX file.

In the next update, this feature will be removed (replaced) so in a way it will be fixed.
Here is the new way of creating GPX files (already available with the current version you have):
- Use the "Create menu" and select "Landmark file" (instead of "GPX file");
- Add in this new file all the things you want (folders, waypoints, tracks, etc);
- When you've finished and want to export the file for an external use, long-press the landmark file and select "Export...";
- Select GPX (or another export format);
- The GPX file will be saved in the folder "Exported landmarks".

Let me know if you need any more advice, and sorry for this bug.
Best regards

Re: Create .gpx file error

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:26 pm
by raulsanchez
It worked :D