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[closed] The search function when using sets of waypoints

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:13 pm
by eas
I store most of my waypoints in sets now (thanks for the tip).

I apparently cannot use search to find waypoints containing a keyword. Firstly, on my mobile, the popup keyboard obscures the text input box (small issue) so I have to type blind. Secondly, no results are returned.

I know the keyword exists and if I store waypoints as individual files then search works as expected. Could this be a bug?


Re: The search function when using sets of waypoints

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:46 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,
The "search" feature as it's right now, will only search in the currently displayed landmarks. It won't go inside folders or sets. So if you want to search waypoints into a set, you've to first click on the set to open it, and then make your search.
I'll see if I can also add the search into the displayed sets.
Best regards