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[done] ability to lock the tock on the screen when turning on AQ

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:34 pm
by Touch lock

I am having a pretty annoying problem with my new phone. Other users may experience similar issues.

My phone seems to keep turning itself on in my pocket and due to the build up of moisture it then spends the next hour telling my phone its being touched all over. This is not only draining my battery, but selecting all sorts of options on my phone (most irritating of which is turning my GPS off!). This has ruined the last recordings that I have been on lately – which have all been cold with high precipitation.

This is also an issue even if the phone isn’t switched on in my pocket. When I take it out to check my location, the droplets of moisture make the map zoom in and scroll all over the place.

What I suggest is an option to lock the touch. Basically when you press the power button, the screen will turn on and show the AQ screen as usual. The volume buttons will work to zoom in and out, but no touch at all will be recognised. To exit this mode, both up and down volume keys should need to be pressed for 5 seconds. This would be easy to do with gloves on, and also not very easy to do accidentally in your pocket.

Re: ability to lock the tock on the screen when turning on A

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:34 pm
by Guest
Many thanks for your consideration as always!


Re: ability to lock the tock on the screen when turning on A

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:25 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and thanks for your feedback.
Yes I understand your need and it's right that you should not be the only one facing this.
A lock feature has already been added in the application after a previous user request, working like this:
- You can activate the volume buttons to zoom in/out the map from the application settings;
- You can "lock" the map from any touches, from the main app menu -> "More..." -> "Lock screen".
- A click on the menu hardware button disable the lock.

This current behavior is good to avoid on-screen touches made by droplets (it was added for that), however it won't be enough to avoid hardware button clicks in the pocket.
I'll try to find an improved solution (like using a long-press to unlock), however you've to keep in mind that the "Home" button will always send the application in the background and return you to the Android home screen, which won't be locked anyway, so unfortunately it's not possible to have a complete device lock (hopefully actually)...

Best regards

Re: ability to lock the tock on the screen when turning on A

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 6:25 pm
by Craggy
Thanks. I wasn't aware of this option.

This works great, particular in immersive mode - where absolutely no screen touch can affect the app.

The only problem is, when the power button is pressed, the mode is disabled. this means that when I switch the phone off after looking and then put it back in my pocket, the problem is liable to start up again. I will also have gloves on, so re-activating wont be an easy task. :(

Having the touch lock persist though screen on and off, but being disabled by volume up and down together for 5 seconds (or similar) would definitely improve this functionality. (I have a Sony Xperia z, which doesn't have hardware buttons - but is waterproof)

Many thanks


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:41 am
by Craggy
THANK YOU! (Again)

The improvements to the lock screen make it considerbly more useful. Having it persist after the screen is turned off and unlockable by a long press of the volume keys is a godsend.

Re: ability to lock the tock on the screen when turning on A

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 1:55 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Thanks for your feedback!
Best regards

Re: [done] ability to lock the tock on the screen when turning on AQ

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:06 am
by marcs

I recently discovered this feature and had problems to find how to unlock the display. I suggest to add a message that would appear when the user touches the lock that is displayed. This message would indicate how to unlock the display.

Also when the display is locked in Alpinequest and the display over lockscreen option is activated, then the power button turns on/off the phone and does not unlock Alpinequest display anymore. Moreover I did not find a way to access to the keylock (hidden between Alpinequest) in this case.


Re: [done] ability to lock the tock on the screen when turning on AQ

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:53 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again and sorry for the delay.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll add an explanation message for the next update.
And yes, the screen is no more unlocked when the app is paused. But you still have access to the keylock using the "home" button. In immersive mode, you can slide up the bottom of the screen to display the system buttons.
Best regards