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[closed] Russian millitary maps of Morocco - problems

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:22 pm
by tomplm
I am having loads of problems with the Russian military maps. I wanted to download the whole of Morocco in as much detail as possible for a 4x4 trip there later in the spring. I tried saving the northern half of Morocco down to 6/8 scale but loads of it is missing. I keep getting large blocks of pink, grey or white when in offline mode or online mode. The bits I view in online mode are then not visible in offline. I had expected it to be better tthan this. At the moment it is not good enough for my use as I cannot rely on it to work in the field.

Re: Russian millitary maps of Morocco - problems

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 12:45 am
by Psyberia-Support
You can try to use this alternative source to get the sovietic topo maps.
Just put the attached file in the application folder, in the sub-folder "/cache/custom-maps/" (this folder must already exist), and restart the application. This new map will be available in the maps list.
Note that sovietic topo maps are old and contain errors, you should be careful while using them...
Let me know if you have issues
Best regards