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[closed] setting colour of location tracker

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:14 am
by 100casper001
When using the location tracker it would be nice if we could change the colour so that we can tell the tracks appart. Often use it to tell where in a paddock I have driven but gets too confusing if I keep it up for a few days being Abel to change the colour to tell each day apart would help.

Re: setting colour of location tracker

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:25 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and thanks for your interest in our application.
Right now you can't change the color of each parts being recorded by the location tracker, but you can do it once you've exported the data.
After having recorded one day, you can export the data and display the exported track, then click on it, select "Edit color" and choose the color you want.
The next day, you can clear the tracker, record a new track, and export it again like previously.
Let me know if it's not what you want,
Best regards

Re: setting colour of location tracker

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:35 pm
by ds47uk
I have a similar problem to this. I have two GPX files, lets call them pubs.gpx and restaurants.gpx. If I load both of them into AQ at the same time they [i]both[/i] end up showing [i]all[/i] landmarks in magenta. But i want to differentiate between them on the map, so i want pubs in magenta, but [i]all[/i] restaurants in blue. Now i know that I can change each restaurant individually to any colour, but I cannot see a way of changing them all at once, that is to change the default display colour of a GPX landmarks file.

I have got round the problem by changing just one landmark and then editing the revised GPX file in a text editor and doing a search and replace, but there must be an easier way!

Edit. Why haven't the [i]italics[/i] worked????

Re: setting colour of location tracker

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:08 pm
by Psyberia-Support
You can change the color of a waypoints set, but you need to first import the set: long press your GPX file, select "Import...", and then you'll be able to edit the details of the imported waypoints set (long-press it and select "Edit details") and display it.
Be sure to use the last app version.

(I don't know why the italic tags do not work for you... they should!)

Re: setting colour of location tracker

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:36 pm
by ds47uk
Got it!! I missed the import button. Thanks!