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[closed] Routes showing waypoints with text only

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[closed] Routes showing waypoints with text only

Post by pinkyperk »

Hello. I frequently create a route in my Desktop Memory Map program which allows me to define a number of specific waypoints to which I add a text label describing the waypoint. I can print out a map showing the route and highlighting just these few labels. I transfer the file to AQ to use when walking, but currently only have the option to turn on all the waypoints or none at all (Landmarks Labels check box - on/off). Usually I will turn them all off as they (all the numbered labels) clutter up the screen. Is it possible to have a feature where specific labelled waypoints can be shown and the rest turned off? This would be great. Thank you
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Re: Routes showing waypoints with text only

Post by Psyberia-Support »

I understand your problem, however I haven't found any simple way to allow the label display for specific items only right now. Doing this would require to store this information inside the containing file, but it's not possible in GPX files anyway. But I keep this idea in mind in case I can change this one day.
As an alternative option, couldn't you temporarily hide the items that clutter up the screen by un-checking them in the "Displayed landmark" list?
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Re: Routes showing waypoints with text only

Post by pinkyperk »

Thanks for your reply to my request. Unfortunately unchecking in the "Displayed Landmark" list just seems to turn off the whole route, so that it cannot be seen. I have been working on this myself and found a work around which involves altering the GPX file and removing all the waypoint information (e.g. WP141, WP142 etc) apart from the specific labels I have set. In order to do this I load the gpx file into Notepad++ on my laptop, which is a good text editor (and free) and using search / replace with a wild card search it is easy to remove the unwanted data quickly. The file is then re-saved and when transferred to AQ it loads, with labels turned on, just showing the waypoints I want. It would still be good to have the facility of turning on and off landmarks for waypoints in AQ, but I appreciate that this is complicated. Thanks again.
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Re: Routes showing waypoints with text only

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi again,
I have another option for you which seems (for me) more easy, since you don't have to use any other external app:
- Export your route to the CSV format using the app, without the names;
- Import the created CSV file to create a new route without the names;
- Display both routes, and check or uncheck the one with the labels from the "Displayed landmarks list" to display or not labels for that particular route.
Actually, I think this is very close to what you wanted in the first place, but let me know
Best regards

EDIT: I've just realized than unfortunately the "export to CSV" file option is not yet available in the current 1.4.20 version, it will only be in the next update (available I hope quite soon), sorry about that.
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