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[closed] exploring landmarks

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:55 am
by cragproductions
Much appreciated for the addition of the ordering for exploring landmarks - I use this feature all the time.

A few suggestions if I may:

Is it possible to set up a small database file in each folder that has landmarks in it so that AQ reads hat to get the data, rather than getting it from each file whenever you browse. At this moment in time it takes over a minute for me to access my main routes folder! whenever a landmark is altered and saved update the database with the key info used for filtering and ordering. (these would obviously need creating initially.

For the date ordering, can we have it so that the latest track (by date) is at the top please. Having to scroll down the list to get to your lastest track is a bit of a pain,

Thanks again!

Re: exploring landmarks

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:21 am
by Psyberia-Support
I can change the date ordering for sure.
Your other idea concerning a database to cache the data is nice, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make is soon since I think it will require quite work and tests.

Your long loading time comes from the date ordering, which right now, like other orderings based on tracks properties, needs to load all the tracks data before proceeding to the order. When you have a huge amount of tracks, this can then take some time to load all the locations of all tracks.

I'll see if I can change something for the date ordering (orders based on the length or stats will anyway require to load all the locations).
Maybe you could also try to sort your tracks in various folders, this will reduce the display time for each folder...

Re: exploring landmarks

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:48 pm
by Cragproductions

I figured that the delay was due to each track having to loaded and analysed. That's why I thought doing that for each track and sticking it in a small file would be a good solution. That way only one file has to be opened and all the relevant data is at hand.

A one off process would need to be run to create it from legacy files if the file doesn't exist yet. If it does exist, then it just gets updated with each new track that is saved.

I have 100 tracks now and this now causes enough of a delay to get the "program not responding, close?" message to come up.