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[done] Moving or deleting a group of items together

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[done] Moving or deleting a group of items together

Post by Issamokh »

I congratulate you of your very useful and dextrous software.
But something remains missing here. It's about the ability to move or delete a group of items simultaneously. For instance, it aims to be able moving many waypoints to the same folder together instead of doing it one by one, as moving some existing waypoints to an existing set of waypoints. Because creating a waypoint directly is more rapid and easy than do it within a set of waypoints. So, the ability to make moving a group allows us to create as much waypoints as we want, then moving them together to a certain set of waypoints (or folder)

Wish you the best
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Re: Moving or deleting a group of items together

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi and thanks for your feedback.
You can copy a group of waypoints, just click on the category icon (left of the title bar 'Waypoints'), and select 'Copy'. This will copy all the waypoints together. You can paste them in a folder, which will create a new set with all the waypoints, or in an existing set.
Right now, you cannot delete them all at the same time. The only solution is to use an external file editor, but I'll try to add bulk delete in the next version.

Note if you browse a waypoints set with the Landmarks Explorer and then create waypoints from the map, they will be saved in this set.

Best regards
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Re: Moving or deleting a group of items together

Post by Issamokh »

Thankyou for this information, I didn't know that. But it still not answering my vision and I admit I haven't precised it as good. My vision is to be able to move (or delete) these waypoints by choice and not obligatory all of them. For example, when you click on the category icon then "copy" (or delete), a choice is provided: "all" or "select", this way, you can select them all or some of them one by one by checking. This operation is useful in the case when we have for instance a group of a different single waypoints's topics, and we wanna select only the "Pharmacies" waypoints to creat a sepecific folder for them.(or to delete them)

Aother suggestion, why not applying this for all of the categories: areas, routes, tracks,set of waypoints, slopes, to be able moving them in a specefic folder for a specefic region. The sofware is gonna be more fluid and fulfil all the necessities.

Best regards.
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Re: Moving or deleting a group of items together

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Ok, it's more like a multi-select or something like that.
It has been requested few times already, but had never been done due to the amount of work (for a nice feature, but outside of the main app scope).
I'll try to find time for this, but can't give you a release date for now...
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