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GPS Coordinates in WGS84 Datum format

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:18 am
by jeffamigo

I am new to Alpine quest and new to mobile GPS for hiking.

I have a hiking book and all the GPS coordinates in the book are in a format called "WGS84 Datum". Alpine quest has "UTM WGS84/NAD83" format and the "MGRS WGS84/NAD83" format. Both of these formats don't work with the GPS coordinates in the book.

Does anybody have any thoughts on how to make this work with Alpine Quest?



Re: GPS Coordinates in WGS84 Datum format

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:15 am
by jeffamigo

I found a website that explained what Datum means. I understand now that WGS84 is a format on how people make coordinates depending on the how they shape the earth.

I still can't get the coordinates in my hiking book to come remotely close to where Alpine Quest interprets the coordinates to be. I am sure I am not doing something right.

An example of a GPS84 Datum coordinate from my book is "37(degree symbol)13.392 N, 112(degree symbol)54.876 W". How do I input this in to Alpine Quest? . This is the GPS coordinates to the "Many Pools" trailhead located in Zions National Park in Utah, USA.

Every time I try to input it in the WPS84 UTM or WPS84 MGRS on Alpine Quest it takes me to a Africa or to the middle an ocean. Any thoughts would be a HUGE help!


Re: GPS Coordinates in WGS84 Datum format

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 7:01 am
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and thanks for your interest in our application.
The WGS84 datum is the default format of the application (which is the GPS format).
To display or search WGS location, use the 'Long/Lat' format (Longitude,Latitude). You'll have to choose the format:
- degrees/minutes/seconds: 52°25'33''
- degrees/minutes: 25°36.10
- degrees: 45.1248°

Your examples seem to be degrees/minutes.
Let me know if you have any issue
Best regards