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[closed] version 1.4.15 - get rid of those blue track lines

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:03 pm
by underwhelmed
OK. I bought the app. works gret with my old qct maps. Hooray. I get home and there's this wobbly blue line showing where I've been. How do i delete the damned thing so that I can start with an un-wobbly-blue-lined map tomorrow?
All references to this refer to previous versions and buttons that don't exist on 1.4.15.
On the plus side, I've read most of the posts going back to 2012, but to no avail.
Pretty frustrating. Ought to be on the official instructions.
Thanks if you can help.

Re: version 1.4.15 - get rid of those blue track lines

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:44 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and thanks for your support.
It seems you've activated the Location Tracker that track your path and display it.
Just stop it and clear the data, use the 'Clear' button as explained here:
Let me know if it not that.
Best regards