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[fixed] Search by name is not available on this device

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:08 pm
by jamie57
Any idea why a TF101 using the KatKiss ROM 4.4.2 with a strong Wi-Fi connection is telling me this?
I seem to recall being able to use the search for an address function in a previous version.

Re: Search by name is not available on this device

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:15 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Search by name uses Google names service (part of Google API but not Android core), I guess these services are not included in your ROM.
It's planned to use another service, but I can't give you an availability date...
Let me know if you think it's something else.
Best regards

Re: Search by name is not available on this device

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:26 pm
by jamie57
It could quite possibly be that. However I am able to use Google maps and actual several other map apps successfully.
I like yours because it allows me to store the maps offline. None of the others allow that. I wish to be able to add address of locations when I have internet available, pin them on a map and then be able to navigate to it when I am in some areas with no cell service.

Re: Search by name is not available on this device

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:08 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Yes that's exactly the purpose of this feature...
An alternative way is to make your search in wikipedia, and then copy/paste the coordinates (available at top right of pages), but it's not as simple...

Re: Search by name is not available on this device

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 12:50 pm
by jamie57
I have installed the complete Google APPS package and I still get "Search by name is not available on this device" even after several reboots.
However Google maps works fine. I can look up any address at all. It even suggest previous searches.
I am at a loss at what could be the problem now.
You say your program uses a Google Maps component.
It's working fine but yours is not.
Please Help!!

By the way there is no way (easily) to tell if you are using the lite version or the paid version. I will pay for it if I haven't already but I don't remember and your app doesn't say.

Re: Search by name is not available on this device

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:15 pm
by Psyberia-Support
This feature uses a backend service that is not part of Android (but made by Google), and so may not be present in custom ROMs that usually remove all Google related products. I'm not sure however if it can added back by installing Google Apps. Here is the (quite short) official description of this feature ('Overview section'). Not so much detail is given. When you were using this feature in the past, was it also with a custom ROM?

Concerning your version, if you have ads displayed, then it's the free one, otherwise it's the full one.
You can also get the name of the app from the Play Store (installed application list) or the application 'About dialog', the paid name is "OfflineMaps+", the free "OfflineMaps".