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GPX track splits when uploaded to Google maps

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:15 pm
by twoten
If I upload an exported .GPX file to Every Trail the track that I have recorded displays complete as walked which matches the way it is displayed on the phone.
If I then upload the same exported file (either .GPX or .KML) the track is split into 3 sections only displaying one section at a time, within that section it displays several segments which I would expect.

The complete track was recorded in one and left recording when stopping for a period of time.

Is there a way of stopping this so the track displays complete in Google Earth?

Re: GPX track splits when uploaded to Google maps

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:47 am
by Psyberia-Support
If you pause the tracker and restart it, it will create a new "track segment". It should however be displayed as a single track line in other applications.
You can merge all segments using the application by copying one and pasting it into another. You can browse segments and do it directly in the exported GPX file. Let me know if you need more help about that.
Also, if you think it's something else, it would be nice if you could email me a file producing this case so I can have a closer look.
Let me know
Best regards