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[closed] Reset phone, accessing cached maps?

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[closed] Reset phone, accessing cached maps?

Post by Craggy »

I have had to reset my phone to upgrade Android, this has meant I've had to reinstall AQ.

I noticed that all of my maps and settings were unavailable to I had a little play around. I noticed that on my SD card my AlpineQuest had a folder inside it called alpinequest (note the missing capital letters)

The sub folder is the old folder, which had my cached maps and setting/config files in it.

I renamed the AlpineQuest folder to AlpineQuest2 and then moved the alpinequest subfolder into the root of my SD card. AQ is now able to see my settings and cached maps, but there are a few JAVA errors flying about, for example I cannot use the custom map buttons to load new sets as it cant seem to find the maps for them, despite the fact they are visible in the map list.

I have tried renaming the alpinequest folder to AlpineQuest to see if that helps, but that fails (I will probably try connecting my phone to my PC and trying that in a mo)

Just for info really as it seems that a reinstall of AQ seems to have messed things up a bit on the SD card, and while I will probably be able to get it all working again, its not ideal for people who don't want to go in renaming and moving folders etc.

Hope you had a good Christmas too!



Re: Reset phone, accessing cached maps?

Post by Craggy »

Ive had reset the buttons for custom maps as they were looking for AlpineQuest > alpinequest > Cache
obviously this no longer existed once I moved the folders.

Im not sure at this point whether there is supposed to be a sub folder called alpinequest or not, but AQ did not seem to want to look in it if that is the case, and is finding the content fine now that it is just in AlpineQuest.

Ahh well!
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Re: Reset phone, accessing cached maps?

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi and sorry for the delay.
As soon as you uninstall the app its normal to loose the common settings. Common settings are stored on the device (ie not on the SD card like user settings) and are cleaned by Android as soon as the application is deleted. For the application folder on the SD card (cache, landmarks, maps, ...) it's different: Android won't delete anything on the SD card.

Concerning your subfolder, I guess it was the one used in your previous install. Since the new app do not have the previous settings, it used the default folder ("/sdcard/alpinequest/"). Finally, concerning the favorite sets, the paths of maps are stored so if you moved the maps then the app is unable to restore them. The only thing to do is to delete them (long-press a set to edit it) and re-create them.

Hope that everything is back to normal now.
Best regards
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Re: Reset phone, accessing cached maps?

Post by craggy »


Yep, I removed the quick links and reset them - it wasnt really a problem. I just wasnt sure if there was a reason why AQ seemed to have installed in a subfolder. Just to let you know in case there was an odd error associated with re-installs.

RE: settings being on the phone and not the SD card, is it possible/would it be a good idea to have these on the SD card (maybe duplicated so that a reinstall will check the existance on the device and if no then copy from SD if it exists)

Hope you had a great Christmas/New Year

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