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[closed] Phone is in the wrong place.
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:07 am
by Guest
Hi there
I'm using the demo version of AlipneQuest on an HTC Hero.
For some reason when I select "my location" the map moves to a point about 20km away from where the phone actually is.
Googlemaps shows the correct location when the phone is locating itself using either Network or GPS.
Any ideas?
Re: Phone is in the wrong place.
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:34 am
by Psyberia-Support
Strange behaviour... Does the blue icon is also 20km away from your real position, or only the map center when you select "My location" ?
When you lock the center of the map on your current GPS location, coordinates of the information bar correspond to your real coordinates. Do these coordinates are correct ? This can help me to understand if the problem comes from the coordinates which are incorrect, or from the map file which is not correctly calibrated. By the way, do you use a custom map or a demo map ?
Thanks for your feedback.
Re: Phone is in the wrong place.
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:15 pm
by Guest
Hi Cam
Thanks for coming back to me.
I've done a little more investigation. With the GPS turned off if I select go to my location using Google maps it put me in the same place that Alpine Quest puts me at, i.e. 20km away from where I actually am. When I turn the GPS on and the phone relocates itself correctly on Google Maps Alpine Quest still shows me in the previous position.
Bizarrely when I go home, which is no more than half a mile from home, both Google Maps and Alpine Quest show me in the correct place without having to use the GPS. Could this be to do with the phone picking up my WiFi connection?
I am using a custom map.
Hope this helps.
Re: Phone is in the wrong place.
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:42 pm
by Psyberia-Support
OK I think to understand the problem.
When the GPS is turned off, AlpineQuest automatically uses the cellular network to get a (not much accurate) location.
This cellular location seems to indicate a place that is 20km from your real location, which seems to be very inaccurate. Google Maps shows the same wrong place, and I think that there unfortunately is nothing to do in AlpineQuest to detect that error.
When you turn on the GPS, Google Maps seem to use it automatically to get a much more precise location (good GPS reception gives you a +/-10m error).
AlpineQuest doesn't automatically switch. You need to open the Geolocation Dialog, and then select GPS as location provider.
AlpineQuest will then use the GPS and should locate you precisely as Google Maps do.
I am right?
You currently need to specify the location provider in AlpineQuest (GPS or Network). May be a "any provider" option should be added, in order to get a GoogleMaps like geolocation.