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[closed] Not zooming... my error or file error?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:05 pm
by cpalacio
I have the full version of the product and actually quite like it though I've yet to be able to use it in the field. Case in point, I created several maps; topo, satellite, and road maps for the region I plan to be visiting this weekend. Using Mobile Atlas Creator I finally thought I got everything the way I wanted and generated about 55mb worth of offline map and successfully loaded them on to my HTC Desire (running Android 2.2).

The map files (AQM) are large due to the number of zoom levels generated but I don't seem to be able to access those layers when I zoom in from the application. The image gets "closer" but resolution stays the same rather than switching to the next deeper level. What could I have done wrong?

Re: Not zooming... my error or file error?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:41 pm
by twoten
Are you just using the slider or pressing the + & - icons either side of the icons?

The slider zooms in and out of the selected level the + & - changes up or down to the next level.

I couldn't see the point of the slider and the +/- keys at first but it's quite useful to be able to zoom out to see more of a map without changing levels.

Re: Not zooming... my error or file error?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:50 am
by cpalacio
OK, so I'm an idiot... :shock:

Thanks twoten that was the info I was missing... and yes I can see value to the dual controls.


Re: Not zooming... my error or file error?

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:44 am
by Psyberia-Support
Thanks twoten for answering faster than me!
cpalacio wrote:OK, so I'm an idiot... :shock:
Absolutely not! The application is not well documented and it takes some time to understand all features.
I really need to find some time to write a clear how-to, but there are important features that I need to release first...