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[done] Geolocation screen button dissables GPS when closed
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:33 pm
by twoten
The button/slider at the top left of the screen for accessing the GPS control turns the GPS on when open and turns it off when closed.
I would have assumed closing should only clear the screen not turn the GPS off again.
Is this correct?
Re: Geolocation screen button dissables GPS when closed.
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:44 am
by ukuest
I would like to second this.
Closing the GPS tab/slider should be possible without turning GPS off, so that the map can be seen full screen while GPS is on.
Re: Geolocation screen button dissables GPS when closed.
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:39 am
by Psyberia-Support
Yes when you close the GPS tab the geolocation is stopped. Same thing happens for the compass.
I found it usefull to be able to turn on/off the GPS like that instead of openning the geolocation dialog and selecting Activate/Deactivate.
One thing is sure is that a confirmation should be asked before turning off the GPS if a track is beeing recorded (as ukuest requested) and before exiting the app.
Do you think that a parameter in the settings like 'Do not turn off geolocation automatically' that activates your behavior in the settings would be good?
Re: Geolocation screen button dissables GPS when closed.
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:46 pm
by twoten
AlpineQuest wrote:
Do you think that a parameter in the settings like 'Do not turn off geolocation automatically' that activates your behavior in the settings would be good?
This could be a good idea.
I think if the user is tracking a route then the GPS should remain active regardless what the user is doing, if the GPS slider is in or out or if the user is using another program on the phone. It might be useful to have a button in the menu to exit AlpineQuest which stops it running in the background, if this is selected then a dialogue box should appear with a warning and give an option to continue or cancel if the user continues then the tracking saved and GPS is stopped.
Re: Geolocation screen button dissables GPS when closed.
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:46 am
by ukuest
Yes, a setting would be a good idea.
I fully agree with twoten's comments.
I do not normally want to switch off GPS at all: when I have AlpineQuest running, then I am usually recording my track anyway.
Only reason for me to stop geolocation was when I wanted to stop position locking so that I could move the map, and the way it currently works stopping GPS was quicker than turning off position locking.
But if you could change position locking so that it is temporarily disabled while I move the map with my finger, and only snaps back to position after I have stopped moving the map for a few seconds - then I would not even have the need to turn off position locking. And then I would have no need at all for the GPS dialogue in normal operation and could keep it closed all the time!
Re: Geolocation screen button dissables GPS when closed.
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:22 am
by twoten
ukuest wrote:But if you could change position locking so that it is temporarily disabled while I move the map with my finger, and only snaps back to position after I have stopped moving the map for a few seconds - then I would not even have the need to turn off position locking. And then I would have no need at all for the GPS dialogue in normal operation and could keep it closed all the time!
Good idea, maybe disable the position lock while the user is scrolling the map plus a few seconds which gives the user time to check a route ahead.
Re: Geolocation screen button dissables GPS when closed.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:11 am
by bastien
AlpineQuest wrote:
Do you think that a parameter in the settings like 'Do not turn off geolocation automatically' that activates your behavior in the settings would be good?
Yes good idea if we can configure that in the settings. We need to activate or desactivate this option if necessary.
twoten wrote:
Good idea, maybe disable the position lock while the user is scrolling the map plus a few seconds which gives the user time to check a route ahead.
This idea seems to be good too.
Re: Geolocation screen button dissables GPS when closed.
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:54 am
by Psyberia-Support
The option has been added in the settings.
Thanks for your feedbacks.